How Time Flies

I feel that time really flies since I turned 40 this year. Lately I've been reflecting on what I have done with my life for the past 4 decades. 

The most memorable memories include travelling around the world to visit art museums, watch musicals and enjoying great food. I don't have any great achievement and great aspiration. I had focused my energy on studies and work in my 30s and till now have not date anyone yet.

Recently I met a few guys in the dating apps but most are only interested in casual relationship which I'm not into. I hope to marry the one and only one but at my age, it is hard to find someone as most guys want to have kids and young women. At 40 years old now, I don't want kids due to possible complications.  I have to accept the fact that I might be single this life. Now then I realise that youth is priceless. 

Recently I just applied for a BTO flat in Singapore as a Single. Hopefully I get to buy the BTO flat. 

Lately I like to listen to the 80s and 90s songs like Its a Beautiful life by Ace of Base, one of favourite pop group in the 90s. Those were wonderful times. 


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