Breaking World Record at 14 Years Old: The Amazing and Filial Quan Hong Chan

My young cousin shared with me the teenager who dived with barely a splash. I was skeptical initially. After watching the perfect dive, I was amazed by her beautiful dive showing us what the human body is capable of. I'm not a fan of diving sports. But after watching Quan Hong Chan's amazing dives, I've become a fan of her!. I like watching her beautiful elegant perfect dives with minimal ripple. 

Now, I'm a fan of the resilient and filial Olympic Diving Champion Quan Hong Chan who also broke world record achieving colossal score of 466.2 and 3 perfect scores in this Olympics!

Behind her success is many years of sacrifice. She has to practise more than 400 jumps/dives per day. About 200 to 300 backflips on land and 100 dives on water. She did not complain about the tough and tiring practice. She is adorable and mature at her age. Her only goal is to earn lots of money to pay for her mother's medical bills as her farmer father does not earn much. At 14 years old, she has not visited zoo and theme parks but she don't whine and complain but always give her best during the practice. Some kids at her age will just whine and complain of tough training. There are many sour grapes online. Maybe they are ignorant of the young British Tom Daley who started competing at 14 years old.

There is no shortcut to success. Grit, focus, resilience, determination and hard work are keys to success. 

I have great respect for her grit and filial piety.  May she continue to thrive and succeed and stay humble. At 14 years old, she has a long road ahead. 

Jiayou Quan HongChan 加油全红婵!

I really like this adorable, sensible and filial girl.May she continue to thrive and succeed!


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