February- Month of Many Yummy Cakes!

This is the first time I have so many cakes in a month. I'm celebrating my birthday this month.  So far I have eaten many cakes, thanks to my relatives! A big thank you to my relatives who brought me cakes and tarts. Also thank you for the gifts. 

My elder cousin treated me my favourite tarts by Cheryl Koh and my younger cousins gave me cakes. I also love the crunchy almond milo cookies that she baked. 

As I'm a member of Cedele, I also get a free slice of cake and enjoys 15% discount for whole cake. I brought myself chocolate truffle cake to share with family and also chose a free slice of osmanthus matcha cheesecake. Also, as a member of Elemen restaurant, there is free 5-course meal on birthday month. I chose tiramisu cake at Elemen. I also brought Kumquat tart at Cheryl Koh. I told my youngest brother not to buy any more cake as I already have many cakes and tarts. I really need to exercise to shed off extra calories this month as I also ate lots of snacks and food during this Chinese New Year this February. 

Thank you everyone for the well-wishes, cakes and presents!

I chose 1 free slice of Osmanthus matcha cheesecake at Cedele. If you sign up for Cedele member, you get a slice of free cake on your birthday month and birthday cake at 15% discount. I brought 1 whole chocolate truffle cake at $38.25 after 15% discount.

This 6'' chocolate truffle cake is creamy rich ($38.25 after 15% discount). It has been voted top 10 cakes in Singapore. You need to order the cake in advance. You can also request for them to add birthday greeting. I find it a bit too sweet. I don't really like my cake sweet.

Tarts from Tarte by Cheryl Koh.
  brought by my cousin. I love Cheryl Koh's tarts. Surprisingly the cheese tart is great! 
Cakes by my cousins. I love the roasted pistachios and rose cake as it is not sweet but tasty. The basque cheesecake is ok. 
I brought this Kumquat tart at Tarte by Cheryl Koh.
Tiramisu cake from Elemen restaurant. As a member, I enjoy free 5-course meal at Elemen restaurant. 

Crunchy almond flake milo cookies baked by my talented cousin.
My cousins treated me to Matcha pancake souffle at Hoshino coffee at Plaza Singapura.
Parents brought me this cake early this week.


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