First Day of Chinese New Year

Yesterday was the first day of Chinese New Year. Only my youngest aunt and her family visited us yesterday. The other aunties and uncles called to say that they are not visiting us this year.  In Singapore, there is a cap of 8 unique visitors per household per day due to social distancing measure. In Singapore, most Chinese are celebrating Chinese New Year and other races get to enjoy the long weekend.   

I think this year I won't get to collect much Hongbao due to lesser visitors. At least I got to receive some red packets yesterday. I started to keep the hongbao a few years ago and not spend it. I heard that it's like keeping the blessing that your seniors gave you.  

Yesterday I was sneezing in the afternoon so I went to take a nap. I heard of people discouraging afternoon nap on the first day of lunar new year as it might make you lazy. Anyway I'm not bother by that statement cause by nature I'm already quite lazy and I was too sleepy after sneezing. I have sensitive nose and it look like I have at least a day of sneezing the whole day almost every week but I will be ok after sleep. It's weird but when I was doing chanting meditation, the sneezing stop. Sometimes I think someone up there is hinting that I should meditate more.   


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