Line Drawing of Flowers and Leaves

I feel happy today as I done some sketching on flowers and leaves. I love sketching flowers and leaves at the moment. Later I'm going to sketch spheres, ellipses and perhaps cuboids and play with different combinations to come up with different designs. 

Looking at nature like flowers and leaves allow you to appreciate the miracles of life. I remember watching a movie on Buddha. In one scene he mentioned that the orange itself is a miracle and from observing and contemplating it, you see the universe. The Zen Buddhism call it mindfulness when eating. The Buddha shared with Sujata, the lady who offered milk porridge to Buddha, that if she observe, contemplate and pay attention when eating orange, she is observing the universe of life. The orange needs the sun, water and soil to grow. The sun is not discriminating as it shines its light to all beings on earth. 

Flowering Dogwood
A video on Flowering Dogwood tree
I find some leaves very beautiful. I like monstero leaves.


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