Vegetarian Food at Sufood

I really like Sufood vegetarian food, so I went back to try other dishes. After trying 3 of their main courses, I still prefer their signature star pizza which is a crispy cheesy mushroom pizza. 

I wonder if they have membership card. Now I have vegetarian food almost every week. Just hope they start membership card for loyal diners like me so I can enjoy more discounts and save more money. 
 This is part of the 8 course meal. Dip the warm bread on either mustard or blueberry sauce.
 I chose pumpkin soup again.
 Orange and pineapple juice.
 Porcini pasta with pepper and jalapeño sauce.

 Wild Mushroom Charcoal Tagliatelle with King oyster mushroom.

 This is surprisingly good with rich garlic flavour!

Rosso e Giallo comprises a red bean cake which is not sweet with sily beancurd pudding. If you want it sweet, just add the sweet syrup.


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