Hearty Breakfast at Swenson Tampines Mall

Decided to indulge in a hearty breakfast at Swenson restaurant at Tampines Mall as I read positive reviews. Also breakfast at Swenson restaurant is only available during the weekends or holiday from 8am to 11am. For the full range of Swenson menu, click here
 This hearty breakfast, Good Morning Sunnies ($11.90) comes with two Ciabatta rolls, scrambled eggs (it actually comes with sunny side-ups but I requested for scrambled eggs),sauteed mushrooms, two chicken cheesy sausages and a crispy hashbrown. 
 Love the Ciabatta roll which is crispy yet soft and it oozes buttery cream when you slice it open.
 French toast with maple syrup.You can request for a minimum of two french toasts at $4.00. Palatable but not so impressive. 

You can have cafe latte with additional $2.50
 All the food look so delicious. Breakfast is available from 8am to 11 am. 
Swenson restaurant at Tampines Mall.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Uncle Boh Tong. The food is quite shiok too. Esp the ciabatta roll.


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