Close Encounters of the Third Kind

Besides comedy and musical movies, I also like Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) related movies. Now UFO is known as Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon (UAP). We have a vast universe and I believe there are other extraterrestrial beings from other solar systems. I read that there are different species. Some look pretty and some look scary. I think most are benevolent kind else with their advanced technology, they could easily destroy this blue green planet earth. Instead this beautiful earth is dominated by ignorant greedy human beings who burn the forest and pollute the ocean for this man-made money. Money can't buy clean air and water.  

I think this amazing movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind directed by Steven Spielberg in 1977 is really awesome. I hope to watch it in movie theatre one day as it can be spectacular to watch it in big theatre.


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