Just Went for First Vaccination in Singapore

Recently I went for the first Covid19 vaccination at Tampines hub. It took about 1 hour and 15 mins for the whole process from queuing, registration, vaccination and resting for 30 minutes after vaccination. I went for vaccination at about 7pm on weekday. 

As I'm working in the essential service, we are encouraged to take vaccination. Also most of my colleagues already took the vaccination and most of them experienced no negative effect for first vaccination. 

Alas for me, I felt a little giddy and also experienced headache for the first vaccination. However by the next day noon, the headache subsided. 

I'm now wondering if I should take the second vaccination. Maybe not if the protection only last for a short while. Read that it last at least 6 months after second vaccination.  

I do hope to travel to China or Hong Kong hopefully by end of the year or next year. After reading all the attacks on Asians in western countries, I think it is not really safe to travel to Europe or USA after covid19. 

Waiting for registration. Staff would ask you questions like if you have any allergies .

Waiting outside the vaccination area.



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