Yummy Vegetarian Dishes at Saute

Saute is now one of my favourite vegetarian eatery in Singapore. You can find delicious vegetarian orh luak or oyster omelette. Oyster is replaced by mushroom but it still taste awesome! I'm delighted to discover delicious brewed tomato ramen after I tried my cousin's ramen. Soy bacon cream pasta is also good. My truffle pasta paled in comparison. 

I'm thankful for these wide variety of delicious food here. We don't need to hurt animals to enjoy good food. 

For next visit, I will have the brewed tomato ramen.

Sautes at Bugis Cube
Nearest MRT: Bugis.
 Brewed tomato soup ramen is highly recommended! It is now my favourite dish.

 Truffle pasta
 Vegetarian orh luak at $9.90. Instead of using oyster, they use mushroom.

 Soy bacon cream pasta ($11.70)
 Hash brown balls at $4.90.


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