Hwa Chong Institution Open House

On weekends, I normally sleep late till around 8 or 9am. However, last Saturday, I woke up early at around 6.40 am to visit Hwa Chong Institution Open House. I have always wanted to explore this beautiful campus with the iconic clock tower and statue of Mr Tan Kah Kee, a generous philanthropist who was the founder of Chinese High School, now known as Hwa Chong Institution. I managed to watch the awesome Wushu performance by the students. I also went for guided tour conducted by the students. I like this school for their bilingual and bicultural education and contribution to society. Really thankful to the staff at my organisation who shared with me about the open house. 

I took the opportunity to explore the art gallery where there are some pretty interesting art work. Kudos to the students!

Did you know that the clock tower at Hwa Chong Institution is a gazetted national monument in Singapore? It was used by both the British and Japanese during world war 2 due to its strategic location. Also their military band will play live national anthem and school song during morning assembly at the stadium.

A really good introduction on what is Hwa Chong Spirit is shared by the current Hwa Chong Institution Principal Pang Choon How. I learnt something new on I-Ching, the ancient Book of Changes.

"Firstly, it is the undaunted spirit of strength, resilience and tenacity, as espoused in the school value of “自强不息”. Guided by the continual quest for excellence and continual self-improvement, it is manifested by an innate entrepreneurial dare and the determination to persevere and never give up. Indeed, “自强不息” has its roots from the ancient Book of Changes or I-Ching (《易经》), and describes a philosophy of life derived from the Qian (乾) hexagram, depicting the ceaseless evolution of nature and flow of the universe. (天行健,君子以自强不息。)

Secondly, it is the enduring spirit of community and service to others, as expressed in the school value of WIN-WIN or “己立立人,己达达人”. Guided by a deep sense of humility and gratitude to others who have nurtured or developed us (饮水思源),it is to consciously seek a virtuous and meaningful cause larger than oneself, with an innate understanding that the greatest self-worth that one can achieve is the selfless and wholehearted contribution to the greater “I” (大我), by bestowing self-worth and success to others and the community. I-Ching also offers a similar worldview as captured in the Kun (坤) hexagram which depicts how nature nurtures life and supports growth. (地势坤,君子以厚德载物。)

Together, “己立立人,己达达人” and “自强不息” complement each other and form the Yin and Yang of a balanced disposition and character. It also describes how the cultivation of one’s heart and mind should not cease at the personal mastery level, but should be extended to an active contribution towards the betterment of society and humanity, including the family, nation and the global community (修身、齐家、治国、平天下)."
The clock tower.
Statue of Mr Tan Kah Kee. I alighted at Tan Kah Kee MRT station and walked for about 3 minutes to Hwa Chong Institution
Beautiful morning at HCI stadium
Tan Kah Kee MRT station is just next to Hwa Chong Institution
Went to watch the awesome wushu performance by students!
You can explore their various CCA and join in the game (only for potential students).

I also explored HCI art gallery!

Was that Justice Bao from the Song dynasty?


Fun Science experiment on banana DNA.

HCI students as tour guides

Tan Kah Kee MRT station


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