The Billionaire Heir Who Became a Monk

Ajahn Siripanno is the billionaire heir who decided to become a monk for life when he first became a monk just for fun at 18 years old. He is fluent in 8 languages and had a comfortable and privileged life in London. He is now teaching the dhamma and lead a disciplined and austere life as a forest monk. Ordained monks have to follow 227 rules of the Vinaya. Some of the rules include eating only 1 meal a day before 12pm and going out for alms for forest monks.

There is a saying that those who are truly blessed become monks. Not many people can give up the comfort of luxury and immense wealth but he did. Now I am listening to some of his dhamma talk. He knows that true happiness is not owning lots of material things but peace of mind within oneself. To be kind and compassionate to all sentient beings. Good actions lead to good results. What you give out, you get it back so one has to be mindful of one thought at all times. 

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