Just Do The Right Thing

Today biggest news is the shocking infidelity of famous singer Wang Leehom. I never really like him as I just don't like his vibe and he is not that handsome. He also has very big nose like Jacky Chan. According to facial physiognomy, men with big noses tend to have very high sex drive. Jacky Chan and Wang Leehom have affirmed the above saying. 

After reading his ex-wife's long IG post on her marriage with Wang Leehom, I feel sad for her. No wonder many of my friends told me that sometimes it's better to be single than be married.  Despite giving birth to three children for him, he still wants to divorce her. To all the married men out there, please  treasure and love your wife especially if she experienced excruciating pain during child birth. If you just want to fool around, then don't be married. 

To all ladies out there, please don't be involved with married men. Spare a thought for fellow female. If you don't want others to fool with your man, then don't do that to other women's husbands. Have some self-respect for yourself. There are million of men out there and it's not worth it to be with unfaithful married men.
From iWeekly magazine 28 August 2014 issue 


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