Eggslut at Scotts Road

I read of raving reviews of egg sandwiches at Eggslut which often has very long queue at Scotts Road.I decided to try this Eggslut this Wednesday when there was no queue at around 9 pm with my buddy. We had a long chat in this quiet eatery till late at night. 

I ordered the Fairfax which is cage-free scrambled egg with cheddar cheese , caramelised onions and Sriracha mayo in brioche bun. 

When I had my first bite, I knew that I will not pay for this egg sandwich again. I find the brioche bun too soft and scrambled egg very fluffy and light. I prefer denser scrambled egg. I think I can make better egg sandwich I like. Anyway other people might like soft and fluffy scrambled egg and soft bun. So this might be a good choice for them. 
Hash brown
My buddy had Zero coca-cola only


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