Early Spring Cleaning

After almost two weeks of cleaning and organising, I finally cleared four big bookshelves and one small bookshelf. It was really exhausting but fulfilling to clear so many bookshelves and clear away some books and magazines I no longer read. I will clear the last small bookshelf next week when the new replacement bookshelf arrive next Tuesday. The current small bookshelf is spoiled.

Cleaning the bookshelves is like stocktaking of what I already have. I will stop buying unnecessary as it is really tiring to keep and clean many items that I have. Now is also a good time for me to decide how many more books I need to clear away when I move to new home in a few years time. I hope to get a BTO flat next year which is a privilege for Singaporean.

This magazine is really old. I think I brought it in 1997. I will keep it.

This magazine is the predecessor of I magazine which is no longer in print now. I think Li Nanxing is the most handsome actor from Channel 8. He still looks so handsome and young at 57 years old. I enjoy the recent channel 8 drama because of him. 
I enjoy reading insights by Mr Lee Kuan Yew, a really good leader who together with his team lead Singapore from third world to first world. Will keep these books.


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