Life is a Gift

Last Sunday was the first funeral I attended to pay my respect to a friend I considered a 'big sister' to me. It was surreal. Till now I don't really think she has left. We didn't meet for about 10 years.  16 years ago we were very closed but we just drifted apart after graduation. I understood why she didn't tell me about her illness as she didn't want me to worry. At least now there is no suffering. Her two young children are sensible and I think she can set her mind at ease. Her young daughter wanted me to see her mummy at her wake but I was reluctant. I don't think she wants me to see her. 

JB, a good buddy of X said that we must not meet in such circumstance again. We should meet with other good friends for meal. True. I never expect to see her again in her wake. I think few weeks before I was thinking of her as I looked at the couple photo frames she gave me. I think I dreamed of her. I had always wanted to tell her something but didn't due to ego. I felt kind of angry that I was not informed earlier of her illness. 

Anyway JB said that he will organise a gathering so that we can meet and catch up with each others. Since we graduated in 2005, all of us have grown older. He said that R now has streaks of white hair at the sides. 

My friend's departure reminds me that life is a gift and to just do what you love while you can. Life is at most 100 years if you are lucky. I know that I want to experience dating. Since no guy ever ask me out, I have to be proactive now. 

I just downloaded dating app and am prepare to go for dating events by signing up for workshop endorsed by SDN. Mum has been asking me when I go for dating event too. I told her that I would go for dating event in 2016 but didn't as I thought fate would help me. After 5 years, I better attend dating event by SDN which is safer. I will only meet the guy in public places like coffee cafe. Anyway I will try this year to be more proactive. At least I try and there is no regret for not trying to find a date. I only try this year. If I still can't find my Mr Right this year, I just focus on my work and buy BTO flat for myself. 

My friend X gave me the couple photo frames 16 years ago for my birthday but so far I haven't use it since I never date. Hopefully next year I can use it.
Couple photo frames


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