The Gift of Death: The Essence of Death, Life and Love

I just reconnected with my friend Hai Yen after 12 years of no contact. How time flies! 

I'm really happy to catch up with her at Cedele cafe and conversation just flowed naturally. We always had lunch during our school days and she is the only one I feel comfortable with at school. Even though she is two years younger than me, she is wise beyond her years and really smart. 

Today I'm delighted to reconnect with her and I'm surprised we share similar interests on spirituality. I was wondering why I didn't attend her wedding many years back. Was it because I was facing some issue then? I felt bad about it and today I said sorry to her. Oh dear, is old age catching up. I don't remember many events that happened ten years ago.

I'm amazed that she also read books on spirituality like books by Dr Brian Weiss, a psychiatrist, hypnotherapist and author on past life regression and The Law of Attraction. Not many people like to read spiritual books like us. 

Dr Brian Weiss's book on past life regression verified Buddha's teaching that who you meet in this life is related to you in past life. Your current husband could be your father in your past life and vice versa. That's why there is a Chinese saying that daughter is father's past life lover. There is soul family and everyone has guardian angel. Being in a physical body, we experience duality. We identify thing as good and bad, birth and death, happy and sad. Like a coin, birth and death are just two sides of the same coin. Maybe that's why Buddha said do not be extreme, follow the Middle path.  

Anyway I'm happy to share with you the book my friend wrote. I just brought the ebook from Amazon and read the first chapter of The Gift of Death and it is really well-written. Do buy this book. Go to this link here to read more. My friend believe in unconditional love which I agree to. But I believe there is karma, cause and effect. Just like there are karmic relationship in the human realm. Whatever you give, you will get it back be it good or bad depending on the action. 

Just want to share some interesting points my friend shared in her book, The Gift of Death: The essence of Death, Life and Love. 

Passed on relative or higher being will send message via thought. I don't know why sometimes a message will just flashed in my mind. Do you have this experience too? Sometimes I wonder why I suddenly have this thought or idea.

There are four levels of trauma and recognising it helps us to move closer to the life we wish to live.

Level 1: Socially conditioned trauma also known as culture or social norms. 

Level 2: Childhood trauma- How you were brought us as a child. When love becomes a transaction between parents and child. 

Level 3: Generational trauma- When socially conditioned trauma or childhood trauma remains unaddressed and passes on to many generation. 

Level 4: Past life trauma. This reminds me of the book by Dr Brian Weiss. Like what Buddha said, don't make any promise in this life as it be fulfilled in the next life. The promise or emotion you can't resolve or fulfil will be carried on to the next life. 


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