Will There Be Workplace Closure in Singapore?

There are now a total of 432 coronavirus infected cases and 2 deaths in Singapore as reported in the Straits Times today. 140 people have recovered. I feel sad for the deceased family and it reminds me that life is unpredictable. 人生无常。

The Singapore government is now implementing social distancing to reduce the spread of coronavirus in Singapore. However I have a question. How are they going to implement social distancing in public transport during peak hours? I'm wondering if they understand the situation in Singapore public transport during peak hours when many employees are going to work and going home. Have they thought about the impact of crowded air-conditioned confined space in buses and SMRT? I still notice passengers coughing in public buses without wearing masks. Contact tracing is fast becoming impractical with more coronavirus cases. By the way can someone tell me where to buy masks? I went to Watson stores and they told me there is no stock. 

This Tuesday when I took Taxi with my mother, the taxi driver was coughing and not wearing mask. I hope taxi companies here will educate their drivers to rest at home and not drive when they are coughing. Or if they insist on driving, at least wear a mask when they are coughing. They should implement consequences for irresponsible taxi drivers who put their passengers' lives at risk. 

I think our government is buying time now. It's better to start saving money and not spend unnecessary now. This recession might last till next year if there is still no cure. If there is a spike of infected covid-19 cases especially when many Singaporeans and residents are returning to Singapore from overseas with the virus, there could be workplace closure. 

One must bear in mind, medical priority must be for Singaporeans who stay here to defend and contribute to Singapore in both good and bad times. 

Update:  Today 39 imported cases are returning residents and long-term pass holders, while six are short-term visitors. Why are they allowing short-term visitors in to Singapore? Will Singapore hospitals be able to cope with rising coronavirus infected patients? 
Saw this social distancing poster at Temasek Polytechnic library. 


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