Jacky Chan and Stars: Believing Love Can Win

The COVID-19 shows the best and the worst in mankind. In western countries, there are blatant racism with French newspaper writing the headline, "Yellow Alert", and even the Wall Street Journal even published the article, China is the Real Man of Asia. Alas white supremacy still exists in Europe and United States of America. 

Singapore Chinese are not spared. Recently the Straits Times reported Singapore Prime Minister shared that a tour group of Singapore Chinese were turned away from an attraction in Australia due to anti-Chinese sentiment. 

From the Straits Times 

He pointed out that a tour group from Singapore, comprising Singapore Chinese, had been turned away from a tourist attraction in Australia after they were mistaken as being from China, because of anti-Chinese sentiment.
"That is foolish and illogical," PM Lee said in Mandarin."Even though the virus started in Wuhan, it doesn't respect nationality or race. It does not check your passport before it goes into your body. Anybody can be infected," he said. "(The outbreak) is a problem that all countries must work together to solve."

Let's hope there is medication for COVID-19 soon. Thank you to all the professional medical staff who are helping to save many lives while putting their own lives at risk. 

Jacky Chan leading in this song dedication, Believing Love Can Win" for medical staff
Singaporean Singer Lim Jun Jie composed this song, "Stay with you" for medical professionals.


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