Rose Romance at Gardens by the Bay

From 31 May to 14 July this year, the flower dome at Gardens by the Bay is filled with 40 varieties of roses in different colours, shapes and sizes from Europe. As I explored the roses, I also stopped  to smell the roses which have pleasant fragrant. There are English roses bred by David Austin and the France art of Trelliage. 

Yesterday there is free entry for both Pioneer and  Merdeka generation ( every second Tuesday of the month) so I took my mum to flower dome yesterday. There were many senior citizens yesterday besides tourists. They were enjoying admiring the beautiful roses. If you love roses, do visit the flower dome by 14 July this year. 

Gardens by the Bay, Flower Dome
Nearest MRT: Bayfront MRT

 Do remember to ask the ticketing staff for this informative brochure.

Build your own tower at the back of the brochure.


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