Finally Attended Ajahn Keng Dhamma Talk on 27 June 2019

This Thursday, I finally attended dharma talk by Chao Kun Keng, a Singaporean monk at Nibbaba Dhamma Rakkha located at 24 Lorong 29 Geylang. Normally I don't like to go out on weekdays as I need to wake up early for work. I decided to attend as I didn't attend the March Dharma talk this year and I wanted to offer requisite to him personally.

I arrived early as I anticipated there would be many people. But the building was locked so I thought that I went to the wrong place. Luckily I arrived early and sat near the front. The room at level 4 was filled to the brink and some had to stand to listen to the talk. I like to listen to Ajahn Keng's dhamma talk as he teaches the Dhamma in a light-hearted way and he is also a very humorous teacher. 

Some key points of his Dharma talk:
Ajahn Keng taught us how to meditate by relaxing different parts of our body and observing our breaths. All of us take for granted our breaths. 

During meditation, you can observe your thoughts influenced by the five aggregates (色受想行识)form (or matter or body), sensations (or feelings, received from form), perceptionsmental activity or formations, and consciousness.

He also shared with us that sentient beings like snake, dogs and rats understand what we said. Also if dogs or cats go to your house, do not treat them badly as they have affinity with you. They could be related to you in their past lives or were past occupants of the house but due to attachment to the house, it came back again. 

If a person is greedy, he/she easily deceived by others. 

One of his student meditated for 13 hours straight. I could only meditate for 1 hour at most. I need to be diligent in meditation. 

Besides meditating, you should observe the five or eight precepts. Do not complicate Buddha's teaching. Basically Buddha taught the threefold practice namely Sila (Precepts, morality), Samadhi (concentrated mind) and Prajna (Insight, understanding). 戒定慧

Sila: Precepts, Morality, Ethics (Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood)

Samadhi: Equanimity, Calmness, One-Pointedness, Absorption, Settled Mind, Concentrated Mind, Undistracted (Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Samadhi) via meditation

Prajna: Insight, Understanding, Emptiness, Interdependence (Right View, Right Intention/Thinking)

Below is the Dhamma talk in Mandarin by Chao Khun Keng on 27 June 2019

To read more, you can visit my blog on Buddhism here. 


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