Chinese Vegetarian Menu at Holiday Inn Hotel

Recently I attended wedding dinner and I chose vegetarian menu. To my shock, they requires additional payment of about a hundred dollars plus for the change. I was thinking it should be cheaper since its just gluten, vegetables and mushroom. 

I don't like mock meat since its just gluten. I prefer natural fruits and vegetables. Alas the Chinese vegetarian menu here include lots of mock meat which I don't normally eat. Thankfully the mock meat here are quite palatable.Given a choice I still prefer fruits and vegetables which are more healthy. Maybe Vegetarian cold dish can include a little mock meat with fruit salad, and maybe vegetarian prawn salad instead of vegetarian fried chicken. Instead of lotus leaf rice with chestnut, we can also have fried ee fu noodle with mushroom with vegetarian sauce. 

Holiday Inn Hotel at Orchard Road
Nearest MRT: Orchard Road MRT
 Vegetarian cold dish combination. It really taste like meat. 
Deep fried vegetarian chicken. 

I like the vegetarian soup which is light and refreshing.
 There is one empty seat so I had this ee fu noodle with mushroom.

Yam paste with pumpkin is a must have dish for Teochew.


  1. The ee fu noodles with mushroom, if not stated as a dish for vegetarian should not be consumed as they may use oyster sauce to cook it, among other thing ..

    1. Thanks. I'm not very strict vegetarian. 95% of the time I eat vegetarian. I'm the only person at home choosing vegetarian food. Mum cooks soup with meat so I just drink soup and vegetables without meat.

      Zen master, Hui Neng, ate vegetables from meat dishes prepared by a group of hunters when he lived in the forest. Slowly the hunters stop hunting. Sometimes I go to non-vegetarian eatery to choose meatless dish. Hopefully they have more vegetarian options.


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