Mandarin Singing App 爱欢歌

Thanks to my buddy, recently I was introduced to this wonderful singing app. This is like a karaoke and you can choose to sing solo or with others online singers using the app. If you are an awesome singer like my friend who has more than 500 fans from Taiwan, HongKong, Malaysia and Singapore, you can also receive gifts from your fans! 

Although I love singing, I'm not a really a great singer like my friend who has beautiful soprano voice. For me, I can't reach those high notes like her. In secondary school, when I was in the school choir, I sang alto and mostly sang background. But its ok as I love singing and I love listening to choir. Now whenever I'm free, I will go to Kbox to sing as I enjoy singing and listening to my singing voice. Hmm, I have to admit, sometimes I'm a bit narcissistic.

To use this karaoke singing app, you need a mini mike and earphone. Then just download this app 爱欢歌 created by a Taiwanese. You can select many popular Mandarin and English songs. If you are a confident singer, you can record and share your song. If not, you can just sing live in one of the empty room. In this app, there are many online karaoke room with different themes. You can choose to join any of the karaoke room to sing with other online users or if you are like me, not a very confident singer, you can just go look for an empty room and sing to yourself. I just started using this singing app yesterday and need to explore more. 
My friend brought me a mini-mike to sing with this singing app!
Select the songs you want to sing!

I love singing songs by Fish Leong, especially this song.

I also like to sing Jay Chou songs. 


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