Singapore Ranked World's Most Expensive City

For the 4th time, Singapore is again ranked the World's Most Expensive City. You can read more about it from the Straits Times article here.

Indeed, things here are very expensive. Be it cars, dining at restaurants and clothes. Now water is going to be expensive soon. Thus whenever I travel, I make use of the opportunity to shop for shoes and clothes. In fact, I rarely shop in Singapore because I realised we Singaporeans are being taken for a ride especially when I saw the price of a 500g pack of chia seeds in Melbourne. In Singapore, the pack of chia seeds is almost thrice the price at S$41.45! In Melbourne, it 
only costs AUD$15 to AUD$16! 

Dining in restaurant is also expensive. Besides 7% GST, there is also additional 10% service charge. Whereas in Hong Kong, I don't have to pay additional 17%. Oh well, you can say some Hong Kong eateries are not service oriented. But there are some Hong Kong eateries that provide good service too and I don't have to pay additional 10% service charge. Forget about buying a car here, unless you have lots of cash. Singapore is the only country where you have to buy a Certificate of Entitlement (paper) at around S$45000.00 before you can buy a new car. If you say our flats are cheap, not really if you look at the reducing room size. New flats are so small. 

At work, my colleagues lamented thats things like Lego are so expensive that they rather buy online. Things are so much cheaper overseas. No wonder, there is report that our retailers are seeing a drop in business. Many Singaporeans are rather well-travelled now and rather buy from overseas after comparing the prices or buy online. A packet of chia seed in Melbourne costs only AUD$15 but in Singapore, it costs S$41.45. Seriously, I think we customers are being taken for a ride in Singapore. 

In Singapore, one pack of 500g chia seeds costs $41.45. In Melbourne, it only costs around AUD$15 to AUD$16 which translate to about S$16 to S$17. I brought 3 packs of chai seed in Melbourne back to Singapore.


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