Anticipating Chinese New Year!

Chinese New Year is my favourite festival! I am so looking forward to a brand new year! Yeah, for me, a brand new year starts on the first day of Chinese New Year. My brothers and I will stay up late to 'shou shui' 守睡 as there is a saying that the later you sleep on Chinese New Year eve, your parents will enjoy longevity. So normally, I sleep very late at around 3.30 am to 5 am so that my parents can enjoy long and healthy life. It's a practice that my brothers and I have been doing for the past few years. 

Another thing that I'm looking forwards to is sumptuous spread of reunion dinner. This year, my brothers and I will buy dishes so that my mum don't have to toil in the kitchen. My brothers have also decorated our home with Chinese New Year decoration. 

Since I'm still single, I can still receive red packets. To me, it's like receiving blessing from my seniors and I'll have more money $$$ which also makes me happy. :) 

This weekend, I will go to Chinatown and see the Chinese New Year decoration and lighting. I really enjoy going to Chinatown to immerse in the Chinese New Year festive mood. Yeah, I'm so looking forward to brand new Monkey year which I read is pretty good for people born in the year of Rooster. Last time was a bit tough for me especially in my career though I enjoyed good company with my relatives and friends. Hopefully in the coming brand new year of Monkey, I'll enjoy great prosperity and happiness. Huat ah! 
 CNY decoration outside Plaza Singapura shopping mall.
Peach blossom garden at busy Orchard Road.
 Hopefully, the year of Monkey is great!

 Was delighted to see lion dance in Ion Orchard shopping mall!


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