Haw Par Villa

When I was young, about 28 years ago, my parents used to bring me to Haw Par Villa, a Chinese theme park that features Chinese popular legends and deities. They would tell me, pointing to the scary figures that they suffer from horrifying punishment as they committed evil in their previous life. My mum told me people who used to lie would get their tongue slashed off after death in the 10 courts of Hell. I had nightmare after that as I used to lie. Anyway the purpose of this theme park, I reckon is that people must be mindful of their action. Whether you believe it or not, there is always such a thing call Karma. You reap what you sow. 

Haw Par Villa is a theme park that features about 1000 statues relating to Chinese legends, history and deities. It started in 1937. I notice during the visit, there are tourists who came to explore this place, which by the way is free entry. Sadly this place really looks like it need a good spruce up and renovation to attract more tourists. They could have more seats for people to sit and snack bar.  

I do hope Singapore authorities can revamp the place as others can understand Chinese cultures and values. This place is worth preserving as it features many interesting Chinese folklore and legends and also explain Chinese values and cultures.

Free Admission.

How to get there?

Just alight at Haw Par Villa MRT station.
Location: Pasir Panjang Road
Haw Par Villa
This place really need to be spruced up and revamped.

Chinese 12 horoscopes. Rooster character is quite accurate.

Advertisement for their Tiger Balms, a really popular and effective ointments in Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and China.
Sanxing Chinese deities or 3 Stars Fu (Fortune) Lu (Prosperity) Shou (Longevity) 福禄寿
Sadly the water in the pond is not really change.

Fu Lu Shou
There are also explanation on Chinese values like frugal and wealth. It's no surprise the richest in Southeast Asian are Chinese.
Virtues and Vices.

Zhang Fei, Liu Bei and Guan Yu, the sworn brothers from popular Chinese legend Romance of the Three Kingdoms set in Han Dynasty ( Year 220).
The benevolent Kwan Yin Goddess, highly revered by Chinese.


It also feature animals.
Ten Courts of Hell features punishment for those who done evil after they pass away.
Entrance to 10 Courts of Hell. I remember I was horrified by some of the scary figures when I was really young.
Karma. You reap what you sow.
Gruesome punishment for those who committed evil deeds in their past lives.
Meng Po. Legend has it that before the soul pass the bridge, they need to drink Meng Po wine to forget their past life before they get to be reincarnated.

The Laughing Buddha


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