Thank you Mr Lee Kuan Yew!

Mr Lee Kuan Yew. Image from Lianhe Wanbao evening newspaper.

Today I feel a deep sense of lost when I heard that our former Prime Minister, Mr Lee Kuan Yew had passed away. Even though I was mentally prepared that he could leave us anytime, I couldn’t help but shed tears when I heard that he had indeed left us today morning. On one hand, I was happy that he was finally released from suffering what with the tubes connected from his body to the ventilator to support breathing. But I feel sad when he couldn’t celebrate Singapore’s 50th birthday with us this year.

I can’t imagine a Singapore without Mr Lee Kuan Yew, a strong and great leader who led Singapore and his capable team comprising of Goh Keng Swee, Lim Kin San and  S. Rajaratnam from third world to first world within a few decades. Singapore is a small island of about 40km by 20km without natural resources but only people. With strong belief and leadership, he led and motivated Singaporeans to strive hard for their future and home.

I don’t know him personally. But in my heart I know that he had given his all to Singapore. He did what was best for Singaporeans. Deep in my heart, I just know.

Thank you Mr Lee Kuan Yew for dedicating your life to Singapore! Today it is prosperous first world city state.


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