Fifty Years of Singapore Design at National Design Centre

This week visit to National Design Centre at Fifty Years of Singapore Design exhibition brought back many fond memories.This exhibition chronicled Singapore design development for the past five decades in Singapore Design Week from 10 to 22 March this year and is free entry. If you want to learn more about iconic Singapore design products or history, 

This is a permanent display at National Design Centre

Fifty Years of Singapore Design(

Fifty Years of Singapore Design chronicles the development of the Singapore design scene from its early years in the 1960s, through maturity, into the vibrant industry that we see today.

The collection presents iconic, popular and pivotal designs that have shaped the industry, bringing together for the first time, design works gathered from the fields of Environmental Design, Fashion & Accessories, Product & Industrial Design and Visual Communications in a fifty-year span. Along with designed objects, the showcase includes the stories that reflect the movements, trends and values of each decade.

Fifty years is a compact time, but these are watershed years that have seen the design industry emerge into a creative powerhouse and a key driver of a nation’s innovation-based economy. Through the curatorial journey which included in-depth interviews and collaborations with designers, this exhibition is not merely a timeline of triumphs and milestones of Singapore’s design scene; but also a collection of personal accounts, a self-portrait of a nation’s creative sensibility and attitude set against a backdrop of changing aesthetic, and economic and socio-political climate.

National Design Centre
111 Middle Road
Free admission
Time: 9am to 9pm 

How to go?
Just alight at Bugis MRT station and walk for about 5 minutes. 

Fifty years of Singapore design exhibition
National Design Centre is about 5 minutes walk from Bugis MRT station.
Singapore iconic brand Singapore girl from Singapore Airlines.
Design in First decade 
Popular tourist attraction Merlion

I didn't know Singapore flag design was lead by former minister Dr Toh Chin Chye and incorporate the favourite colour and shapes of different races in Singapore.
If I have these notes, perhaps I am rich now.

Singapore mascots in various campaigns.
When I was young, my parents would bring me and my brother to Orchard Road to see Christmas light-up.

I want to wear cheongsam when I'm married.
Stikfas is started by Singaporean
Esplanade is my favourite place in Singapore.

Teochew Festival 2014
The Pinnacle@Duxton, the most expensive public housing in Singapore.
 Furniture designs by Nathan Yong


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