Reunion Dinner at Home on Chinese New Year Eve

Although I live with my parents and brothers, we rarely eat together as we rarely have a meal together as my sibling and I are busy with work and we reach home at different time. Therefore, the only time when we can all have a meal together is during reunion dinner on Chinese New Year eve.

As usual, my mum prepared a sumptuous feast which always include a steamed fish, pengcai (盆菜), a hearty soup filled with abalones, prawns, scallops, duck meat, quail eggs, vegetables, meat ball like fish and pork ball. Mum also prepare tomato prawn, steamed chicken, fried wanton (dumpling), fried vegetable, ngoh hiang or Five Spice Meat Roll (five spice pork roll).

Sumptuous pencai filled with vegetables, prawns, abalones, scallop, quail eggs, pig skin, sea cucumber and braised duck meat.
 Fried prawns with tomato sauce.
  Fried wanton dumpling filled with minced pork and prawn.
  Fried sotong balls.
 Ngoh Hiang or Five Spice Meat Roll 
 Stirred fried vegetables
 Steamed fish with light soya sauce
 Sweet soup for a sweet year ahead.
Steamed shredded chicken topped with sesame oil and light soya sauce.
My father likes this dark soya sauce vegetable and braised beancurd.
 What a spread!
 My dinner
 After dinner, we watched Chinese New Year countdown show.
I brought some dessert to share.


  1. WOW! Your reunion dinner was super scrumptious! I am hungry just looking at all the spread!

    Recently I wrote a piece on Chinese New Year 2015 too! How Singaporeans prepare to usher in the year of the goat, the DOs and DON'Ts, a few traditional customs and superstitions, and places of attraction one can visit to join in this joyous occasion!

    Click the link below for detailed information and pictures! :)

    Hope you enjoyed the read!

    Thank you!

    Travel Blogger of


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