Chinese New Year Eve at Kwan Im Thong Hood Temple

Right after work, I went to Singapore popular Kwan Im Thong Hood temple at Waterloo street to pray for safety and good year ahead. Just a few days ago, I had a terrifying dream. Also, this year forecast in the year of Goat for Rooster is not so auspicious. Thus, I went to pray for good luck and blessing and to donate few dollars. Luckily, there were not many people in the afternoon. The staff at the temple already set up barricade for tonight event whereby devotees would rush to be the first to offer the incense to Kuan Yin goddess.It is widely believe that the first person to offer the incense on the first day of Chinese New Year will be lucky and be blessed for the year. 

The popular temple has existed since 1884 and was spared from destruction when japanese 

attacked its vicinity. Many building near the temple was damaged yet the temple 

miraculously remained intact.   

After praying to KuanYin goddess, I saw wheel-chair bound man who sold tissue paper. I brought two tissue papers for $2.00 and to my shock, the tissue had bird dropping. The bird poop was wet and a mixture of white and brown colour. Anyway my first thought was so much for my kindness. Then I remember that there is a saying that bird poop brings you good luck if it drop on your head. I just hope for the best and hope that it bring me good luck. 

 Kwan Im Thong Hood temple at Waterloo street is also a popular tourist attraction and is popular in Singapore. 
Barricades set up for tonight
 Last minute shopping on New Year eve.
 God of Fortune at Waterloo street.
  You can enjoy massive discount on New Year goods on Chinese New Year eve. 


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