Top 5 Nature Attractions in Singapore

If you are a nature lover, you are in luck as most of the nature attractions in Singapore are free. Sadly there is no mountain in Singapore though there are many hills. Generally except for Gardens by the Bay Flower Dome and Cloud Forest dome,nature attractions are mostly free of charge. Of course the Chinese, Indian and Malay gardens and Super tree groves at Gardens by the Bay are free of charge too but then the key attractions are the Flower dome and Cloud forest. 

1) Gardens by the Bay
If you love to see plants and flowers from all the world continents except for Antarctica in Singapore, Gardens by the Bay is the place to go. You can see the baobab trees from Africa, succulent plants and cloud forest. I know there are critics who like to say Gardens by the Bay is not natural and is artificial. Hello, are you trying to say the flowers and plants are artificial? They are real breathing plants! I think Gardens by the Bay is great for people like me who don't travel around the world to see nature. Its expensive to travel to Africa to see baobab trees from Singapore. Gardens by the Bay bring in flowers and plants from around the world to Singapore. Also if you think deeply, Henderson wave, tree-top walk are also not natural and are man-made. They made it easier for us to explore. You can read more in my earlier posts as shown below;

Christmas at Flower Dome 

Cloud Forest at Gardens By the Bay
Beautiful Cactus and Succulents
French Faire at Flower Dome Gardens
Orchid Extravaganza Floral Display at Gardens by the Bay

Gardens by the Bay. The shorter dome houses Flower Dome and the tallest dome houses Cloud Forest Dome.
 Cloud Forest
 Baobab trees in Flower Dome
Flower Dome Gardens by the Bay

2) Treetop Walk at Central Catchment Nature Reserve (MacRitchie)

Want to immerse in greenery and go for tree top walk in the two highest points in the Central Catchment Nature Reserve? Then you must go to MacRitchie Tree Top walk and you also get to see monkeys on the bridge.  Click Tree Top Walk to read more. 

Tree Top walk

3) Hiking at Mount Faber and Henderson Wave bridge. Want to see the unique architecture Henderson wave bridge? Click here, one of my blog posts to read more.

Henderson wave bridge

4) Botanic Garden
You can also hop down to another free nature at Botanic Garden which is the oldest garden in Singapore. Click Scenic Botanic Garden to read more.
Botanic Garden Swan lake
5) Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve

Click here to read more. I went there few years ago but its a great place to see different types of birds. Also free admission.

Of course, besides my blog, I think NParks has done a great job in preparing very informative and detailed trail guides for Singapore parks and nature reserve. Click here to download walking trail guides. It highlight the main attractions, map and estimated time to complete the walk. 


  1. NParks is the agency in charge of parks, not NEA.


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