Singapore Biennale 2013 at Singapore Arts Museum

From now to 16 February 2014, you can visit Singapore Arts Museum for the Singapore Biennale If The World Changed. You get to see art works by Southeast Asian artists on their interpretation on the theme "If the World Changed".

One of the interesting film I saw is by Boo JunFeng who produced a short film of celebrating 50 years of Singapore and Malaysia merger if they had not separated in 1963. There are many impressive works by regional artists. Do visit the museums when you are free. Every Friday, from 6.30pm onwards, there is free entry for Singaporeans.

Singapore Art Museum (SAM) is located at 71 Bras Basah Road, Singapore 189555.

Ticket costs $10.00 for adults however there is free entry on every Friday from 6.00pm to 9.00pm and on Open House Day.

How to get to Singapore Art Museum?
Just alight at Bras Basah MRT and you reach the museum in about 2 minutes.

Exhibitions at SAM :
Cosmology of Life by Toni Kanwa from Indonesia. 'He believes that every object bears its own energy and character that influences the definitive form of the artwork.
These miniature sculptures were carved by the artist. There is magnifying glass to zoom into the details.
My Longhouse Story by Malaysian artist Jainal Amambing . His drawings depicted his experience of growing up in a Rumgus longhouse in Kudat, north Sabah. From a young age, the child is taught how to catch chickens, craft food and cargo carriers with local materials and techniques from their relatives. 
'The world change for the children when they leave their village to attend school to learn new set of knowledge. 'The artist feel that it is important that the old knowledge not be forgotten.
About 113 paintings from Wu Guan Zhong were gifted to Singapore Heritage Board. His works were first appreciated and brought by Singapore. The Wu Guan Zhong gallery will move to the National Art Gallery at the former City Hall and Supreme Court in 2015. 


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