Scenic Botanic Garden

Botanic Garden is located near to Orchard Road, a popular premier shopping haven. Many Singaporeans and permanent residents especially many rich residents who live near this pricey private houses love to exercise in this lush greenery. I decided to visit this free garden with my parents. Who know I might spot some prominent former ministers and even our popular singer Stefanie Sun who shared that she like to exercise in Botanic Garden with her dad. 

Botanic Garden is really beautiful in the morning with the bright sunny sun trying to blaze its gentle sun ray upon the sleepy forest. This grand garden dame that is more than 150 years old is still so beautiful.

To find out more on Botanic Garden, you can visit their homepage
Gentle sun ray penetrating into the lush garden

Cascading Waterfall in the heart of Botanic Garden
White beauty
Graceful swan in swan lake
Walking into fairy green green land

Sunny flowers greeting you in the bright cheery morning!
National Orchid garden is open for view from 8.30 am 
Singaporeans working out early in the morning doing Tai chi. 
Educational poster on Ginger


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