Singlish, Uniquely Singapore

Singlish is the unofficial language used by Singaporean. Singlish is a combination of English, Hokkian, Teochew (Chinese dialects), Malay and Indian language. 

It’s really endearing to hear another fellow Singaporean speak Singlish especially in others countries. Singlish allows us to identify fellow Singaporeans easily. That is one of the reasons why the four different races Chinese, Malay, Indian and Eurasians and others in Singapore can live in harmony for the past 48 years. You can say Singlish is the leveler and bond citizens. 

We accept each other and combine the different languages of the four main races to form a unique language that bond us. Though there are others who dismiss Singlish. My rational is if you want to speak perfect English, go ahead. But speaking perfect English don't give you a unique identity. I mean everybody around the world speaks this ang mo language. 

Most Singaporeans are proud of this unique language that is uniquely Singapore used by Singaporeans. Of course Singaporeans normally speak Singlish with fellow Singaporeans. We write and speak in proper English when necessary. Singlish actually breaks the barrier and bond the citizens better.

Commonly used Singlish
Pai sei ( sorry, also mean embarrassed)
Si mi: What?
Alamak: Exclamation
Bo chap: Don’t care

Watch this excellent video on Singlish by our talented and adorable Singaporeans, aka Dr Jia Jia and his elder brother. It is fun way of learning Singlish and the videos are hilarious! 

Dr Jia Jia and his elder brother in Singlish Minister

Beating Hymn of Tiger Mom


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