National Day Parade 2013 E-Ticketing

Good news! If you like to attend in Singapore's National Day Parade (NDP) on 9 August or NDP Preview on 3rd Aug, you can apply for ticket via this website at from today till 20th May. All applications will go through the eBalloting system. Try your luck! In the past, I had to queue up for the tickets at the stadium. Well, at least I could get the tickets to the National Day Parade if I queue up early at 5 am. It was like a big picnic with many families queueing up very early with their mat sheet, portable radio and some food to nibble while queuing up for the NDP tickets. Now, for the past eight years, even though I applied for the tickets via online eBallot system, I wasn't allocated a single ticket! This year, I'm trying again because I like to have the NDP goodies which include cute clappers, Singapore flag, portable cute light and other souvenirs. 

I love participating in National day parade which is now celebrated at the Marina Bay platform. You get to sing NDP and national anthem with fellow Singaporeans, watch mass dance performance and sing along to the melodious songs and get to watch stunning   fireworks display.  I really, really want to participate in this year national day parade! Wish me luck. 

Count on Me Singapore 


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