Facts about Singapore

Flag of Singapore
Map of Singapore

Located below Malaysia, Singapore is a miracle country that gained independence in 1965 when Malaysia didn't want Singapore. Despite lack of resources, Singapore outperformed Malaysia and developed rapidly to achieve success. 

It is a small island of about 710km2 after reclamation and is about 40 km by 20 km breadth.

There are four main races in Singapore and they are Chinese (74%), Malay (13%), Indian (9.2%) and Eurasians and other groups (.3%).  English is common language used in the workplaces and schools. 

About 80% Singaporeans live in public housing known as Housing Development Board flats (HDB). For those who can afford, they live in private properties. 

Public transport is quite well-connected, with MRT, buses and taxis readily available. Well, MRT needs area for improvement as it break down quite frequently for the past few years.

Singapore is a food paradise. You can get delicious hawker food from $2.00 onwards. We have many cuisine like Chinese, Malay, Indian, Western, Korean and many more.  There are many great hawker centres and also Michelin restaurants. 

It is known as a garden city too and it is really safe. Of course, there are also petty thefts as Singapore opens up to the world. There are about 60% Singaporeans and the rest foreigners. 

Even though things are expensive, there are free attractions in Singapore too like the water and laser light daily performance at Marina Bay Sand. 

Singapore is a tropical country, summer all year long with the occasional rain. Monsoon season is from November to January. Bring umbrella everyday.  

As Singapore is near the equator, it is hot and humid all year round. It has one of the highest lightning activity in Singapore. 


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