Cloud Forest at Gardens by the Bay

Singapore is a tropical country, but we are blessed to see plants and flowers from all around the world. At the Cloud forest at Gardens by the Bay, we get to experience cloud forest which occurs generally higher than 750m above sea levels. They can be found in places like Brazil, Sabah, Borneo, China. The cloud forest in Singapore minics the temperature. So it can be quite cold. If you are afraid of cold, remember to bring a light jacket with you.
When you enter the Cloud forest, you are greeted by the beautiful waterfall and the cool breeze.

There are videos on sustainability awareness.
A short video on the impact on Earth with 5 degrees temperature increase.
Its is really misty.


  1. Wah lau Singaporean u got a nice blog leh. Are u a nature lover?

  2. Yes. I love flowers and plants!


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